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What you can buy on the SPRUT website

The main advantages of over other sites

Darknet market Kraken onion bsbotnet

The information hype around the new SPRUT site has not subsided for the last six months. This web resource broke into the darknet space and in a matter of months was able to lure tens of thousands of users to its platform. We understand what SPRUT is, when this resource appeared and how it attracts users.

The history of the emergence of the main darknet marketplace

The history of BLACKSPRUIT dates back to December 2022, it was at this time that information first appeared that a new cool resource appeared on the darknet. From the first days, this platform began to be called as a top platform for the sale of prohibited items. The reason lies in the fact that is not an ordinary site, it is the heir to the well-known Hydra, which, as you know, was closed last year. In May 2022, the main site of the darknet Hydra and all its servers were banned, and after half a year a resource appears that is not visually, as with its functionality it repeats the three-headed one. It is for this reason that a huge part of users quickly switched from less attractive sites to BLACKSPRUIT and are not going to leave from there. The number of stores and buyers on SPRUT is still growing, thousands of new users are registered every day

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